Zauliyah Gas Compression
- A & E Du Qum Hospital
- Al Raid Commercial Building, CPD
- AOC Building Rafa (MOD)
- Basmir Hotel, Salalah
- British Council
- Catholic-Protestant Church
- Chedi Hotel, Ghubra
- Festival Hall at Holiday Inn
- GTO Exchange Buildings
- Guest Palace (Bait Al Barakah)
- Guest Palace, Sharm El Sheikh
- Gulf Air Building
- Gulf Hotel Extension
- Holiday Inn, Salalah
- Ice Skating Center at Al Khuwair
- Isa Town Hospital
- Khasab Airport
- Khasab Hospital
- Lamcy Plaza Shopping Mall
- Life Line Hospital, Salalah
- LPS Substations 1 to 3 at Lekhwa
- Lulu Warehouse
- Main Store at Ministry Of Health
- Men Barracks RCA
- Ministry of Defence, Masirah
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Justice & Awaqaf Affairs
- MOD Headquarter Building Salalah
- MSO Shafa (Phase C & Phase D)
- Muscat Oasis
- Oman Aviation
- Oman National Fisheries
- Oxy at Mukhaizna
- PDO Bhaja Laboratory
- Pearl Center near Sheraton Hotel
- Qurum Amusement Park
- Robat Stadium
- Royal Court Affairs
- Royal Flight Hanger Seeb
- Royal Oman Police Academy at Nizwa
- Shanfari Mosque, Salalah
- SOC Building Rafa (MOD)
- Spray Paint Workshop Thrumait
- Store Building at Mizwa (MOH)
- Sultan Qaboos Mosque, Madha
- UAG Hospital, Salalah
- Waste Water Treatment Facility, Salalah
- Wudam Naval Base
- Yibal Recreation Facility
- Zakher Shopping Mall
- Zauliyah Gas Compression